domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

The Phantom of the Opera.

Escamilla Nava Pedro Eduardo
Periodo Escolar:2° Periodo.
Profesora:Carolina Hidalgo Hernandez.

I think that this activities help to our,the students to have a best level of english, because this activities have writing,grammar,vocabulary and listening complements that are necesary for the people that want to learn this language.

                                          THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.

   Leroux Gaston,Dooley Jenny
   Phantom of the Opera
   Level 5, Express Publishing.

                                          Fantasma de la Opera.Filmacion de una pelicula de
                                          Joel Schumacher en el año de 1995.
                                          Imagen tomada de Google Buscador:
                                          Fecha de Actualizacion: 5 de Noviembre 2010.

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